
“Cash is trash, stupid in US Bond! Bullish on Chinese Bonds”,Ray Dalio.

March 17, 2021

“Cash is trash, US Bond is stupid, Chinese Bond rising”

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge-fund firm.


Latest Comments:

  1. Cash is trash, returns negative relative to inflation.

  2. Any dollar asset or US bond pays less than inflation.

  3. Short cash position preferable than dollar stock/bond mix.

  4. Tax & capital control leads US inhospitable to capitalists.

  5. Borrow cash to buy higher-returning, non-debt investment assets.

  6. Asian (e.g. Chinese bond) performs better, holding by investors rising.


Related comment in last Nov:

  1. Rise in its portfolio for Chinese assets for diversification & tactics.

  2. Favored Chinese bonds over U.S. debt.

  3. Expects capital inflows to Chinese currency.

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